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Anunnak 17-08-2007 21:23

Speed of Light Broken!

This is so fucking cool. I'm no physicist but this is awesome news. Now that light speed has been broken in an experiment this opens up a lot of new possibilities... dont ask me what kind... I dont know... maybe WARP SPEED! And then Ludicrous Speed...

Critmachine 17-08-2007 22:57

I love this university ;)

Precursors 18-08-2007 02:22

i already broke it , next year

Toxi 18-08-2007 04:34


as well.

Stijn 18-08-2007 11:58

that's nothing compared to this


Link 13-10-2007 20:27

haha that clip was awesome

hinch 14-10-2007 00:18

photon entanglement theory behind it is quite old some guys at some yank uni were working on this too dont think they ever succeeded though.

just a pity its not really traveling at the speed of light as most people understand it more of making a quantum clone. (actually think of it more as a transporter than speed of light travel)

mexeh 14-10-2007 04:29


Originally Posted by hinch (Post 284273)
just a pity its not really traveling at the speed of light as most people understand it more of making a quantum clone. (actually think of it more as a transporter than speed of light travel)

but its still all about star trek right ??

Tjattras 15-10-2007 07:00


Originally Posted by mexeh (Post 284279)
but its still all about star trek right ??

i don't know if this is really star trek. He was mentioning transporter and that is deffinately star trek but then there is another theory contradicting this:

warp speed = star trek

light speed = star wars

so it might be about star wars after all...

montie 18-10-2007 22:05

transporter? stargate obviously ; )

Anunnak 19-10-2007 09:45

Ludicrous Speed = SPACEBALLS

skygod 19-10-2007 17:10


Originally Posted by hinch (Post 284273)
just a pity its not really traveling at the speed of light as most people understand it more of making a quantum clone.

It's shape-shifting! (the trough of a wave becomes a peak in a different medium?)
I like the Michelson-Morley (sp) experiment where they spin a mirror and the speed of light is the same going in the direction of the earth's spin or against it.
That one I can understand.
I am still blown away that orbiting astronaut's wristwatches run measurably slower.

hinch 19-10-2007 23:24

my personal favorite is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_cat
sometimes I wish I'd gone into research after finishing the degree but then i realize i get paid more now than i ever could in research

this is more related to the article in question above

TAZ 30-10-2007 09:27

hmm thats interesting stuff

steam 30-10-2007 17:31

Old news :)

Once they can portal me to the maledives and back for lunch using power from cold fusion i will start looking again.

Then ofc i would also just always travel back in time to my last holidays and whenever they finished travel back again and again and again ... the question is , will the hotel notice when there are 400 incarnations of me eating their buffet ? Or would there always be 1 me ? And then where are all the other incarnations of me ? Also would i always see the same fish when scuba diving ? And would the fish notice the difference between the various incarnations of me ? Questions Questions ...

Anunnak 30-10-2007 19:23

What we all need is a transporter like they have in Star Trek... then we can go where and when we please... Lunch in Tokyo... sure if you want to wake up at Midnight... but you can still go.

Saybel 31-10-2007 14:17


Originally Posted by Anunnak (Post 284755)
What we all need is a transporter like they have in Star Trek... then we can go where and when we please... Lunch in Tokyo... sure if you want to wake up at Midnight... but you can still go.

That'd be so cool :eek:

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