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Rawrzoror 16-12-2011 14:38

Rawrzoror app for SW:TOR
Hi there,

I'm 23, live just south of London, and am hoping to get an accountancy degree in the near future. I first found out about The Legion through sike, and he is my sponsor.

I have played a few MMO's starting with Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars and Eve online and am looking forwards to ToR because I liked the Knights of the Old Republic games (the single player ones) a lot. If you haven't played Kotor 1 and 2 you're missing out big time! I also remember applying to join The Legion for Age of Conan but it kinda flopped imo.

I have a WoW account but am not in a clan [yet] because I'm only level 30 and the devs messed up the noob area so I can't get any quests to level up on without playing PvP without a team, which is hard! I'll probably give it another go in the future though. If I get to level 80 I could raid with The Legion which would be fun. I'm a druid if that would plug any holes in this clan's classes.

I'm currently looking for work which means until I get a job I can play most afternoons and evenings until about 10pm.

Cheers, Rawrzoror (Phoenix)

sike 17-12-2011 13:11

Known Phoenix a long time in real life - very good guy!

Imsdal 17-12-2011 14:58

Hey Phoenix, and welcome to the forums and to us :)

Fixed your forum access, feel free to enjoy it! And hop on irc to chat with us if you're not ingame.

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