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Ravyn 20-01-2012 00:00

Application for Lanron
Name: Derek
Age: 28
Where I Live: Tucson, AZ
Games Names: My main is going to be Lanron, who's an Imperial Agent, that I plan on taking to down the sniper tree. I currently have a lv 23 sniper on another server. I've also started a Sith Assassin named Baelorn.
Games: I've played WoW at from launch for about 6 months, took a break (joined the military), and then came back just after Burning Crusade. I raided heavily from then up to ICC opened up. At that point, between work and life, I just got burnt out and dropped to casual play.
Play Style: I like to play straight DPS toons mostly. Although, I am interested in tanking, but I'm going to wait on that until I'm more comfortable with the game.
Other Games: I like just about kind of strategy game, be it table top miniatures, board games, or pc games. Also, plenty of console RPG's thrown in there.
Work/Schedule: I'm in the US Air Force, so my schedule can, and probably will, change at a moments notice. I'm currently working nights, so I'll be playing mostly in the evenings before I got to work, probably 5 to 10 MST
Why Legion?: I fall under Friends & Family. I know Primaris irl and he wanted me to come over here.

Imsdal 20-01-2012 11:01

Heya Derek, and welcome to the forum and to us.

Once Primaris confirm this, we'll get your access and invite sorted out.

Primaris 21-01-2012 02:56

Confirmation confirmed!

I do indeed know this crazy individual!

Imsdal 21-01-2012 09:26

Fixed your forum access. Poke us ingame for guild invite.

And hop on IRC and idle with us, like every other legion member should be!

Ravyn 21-01-2012 10:43

Great! Thanks for letting me in guys. I'll see you all in game soon.

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