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JC- 14-08-2003 00:04

Hello Again Everyone!
"You last visited: 23-10-2002 22:14"

Doh. You know, the first thing I did was try to re-register until I realised I was still in the database!

Well anywayz, I am just making contact again, asking everyone who knows me how you are doing now. I am doing well myself now, am near to entering my 4th year of University, and things look good ahead in life at the moment.

I hope all of you have been out enjoying yourselves...

Respect to my friends from VeA and Vts back in the day :D

Icewolf 14-08-2003 09:22

don't really know you, but Legion is playing SWG, AO and ET :)

cu starside

JC- 14-08-2003 19:04

I knew most of you wouldnt remember, don't worry I am not offended at all, I hav'nt been here for so long anyway...

Avie and Hobbie knew me best, and I chatted to Bigdogg and Rampage fairly often :) I was in the galaxy which contained the top Xanadu HC, and two of us were Legion - We had a good thing going really. I had a chance to join up with a top 10 galaxy for the first pay-to-play round, but although I went through 'pre-season' with them, I had to pull out due to University exams. Damn shame, because it also meant I had to leave Vts because at that time we didnt have any provision for non-PA-playing members :(

However, it was a real enjoyable time for me back then, the organisation of 3 waves for large galaxies, and fascinating results we achieved. It was real fun, even though I only sometimes got about 3 hours sleep!!! I remember being one of the first ones to try and get us to create a new mIRC channel for ex-Vts members so we could remain in the same community. That was before they introduced Pay-To-Play on Planetarion of course. SWG was only really just being talked about at this stage, even though Sony had been operating their forums for it for a long time beforehand. I'm not sure I will get SWG, we will see, the reviews I have seen hav'nt exactly been awe-inspiring, but maybe I would like it.

ramp 14-08-2003 20:55

Hya JC.

Valhalla 15-08-2003 09:23

p2p planetarion and all their rulechanging plans killed everything :)


JC- 15-08-2003 19:46

I wonder how many players they are left with now... Its true that apart from me, I know a lot of people stopped playing it then.

How long was it before Legion decided to move away from PA, was it after the first P2P round?

Icewolf 19-08-2003 09:06

i stopped playing during round 6 also (started rd 3), had to leave Legion at that time and rejoined after they announced that SWG will be the new game :)

I think Legion stopped playing PA round 7 or 8?

cu starside

Valhalla 19-08-2003 10:14

i can't even remember...i know i joined fury after legion :no:

not the same...by far

DeEvil 19-08-2003 14:59


Originally posted by Icewolf
i stopped playing during round 6 also (started rd 3), had to leave Legion at that time and rejoined after they announced that SWG will be the new game :)

I think Legion stopped playing PA round 7 or 8?

cu starside

Yeah something like that...
i heard that they " stopped " playing after 5, but there was some galīs that was still Legion in round 6, but after that all people around me said Legion was dead...

that made me :mad:

Legion will never die i said and started to track you guys down... finally i am here, but not a legionaire yet, buthope to be some day =)

/ DeEvil

DiabZ 19-08-2003 17:00

Legion disbanded after round 7.

Icewolf 20-08-2003 08:45


Originally posted by DeEvil
Yeah something like that...
i heard that they " stopped " playing after 5,

That was just the normal rumour we had spread after each round, Legion played rd6 with full power, but a lot of ppl got tired already at that time.

cu starside

razor 20-08-2003 11:08


Originally posted by DiabZ
Legion disbanded after round 7.
we did ? wtf am i doing here then heh :p

DiabZ 20-08-2003 16:25


Originally posted by razor
we did ? wtf am i doing here then heh :p

DeEvil 20-08-2003 23:33


Originally posted by DiabZ
:=) :=) :=) :=)

Slayer 17-09-2003 09:18


Originally posted by Icewolf
That was just the normal rumour we had spread after each round, Legion played rd6 with full power, but a lot of ppl got tired already at that time.

cu starside

Well, the PA age is gone, a new dawn is comin with SWG

cu StarWars side, (i hope soon)

Xenius 17-09-2003 17:57

New Dawn with SWG.. as if!

New Dawn is with IcyTower 1.1 but Swg is also great

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