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Coxiboy 23-10-2008 16:17

Warhammer Online Application

M name is Ian and I am from Portsmouth, England. I am 22 and am a ICT Support Officer ( that's an overrated way of saying “I fix PC's and servers for schools” ) I am a fairly social person and go out most weekends, which unfortunately means I bump into Bowlsey every so often.

After a long stretch of not playing any MMO's I have been called back to them and have started playing Warhammer Online. I used to play Ultima Online and Lineage 2, both of which didn't hold my interest for long and am now completely overwhelmed by how good WAR is.

I am looking to join Legion as playing alone can be pretty dull, and downright impossible in places given I rolled a zealot :) Bowlsey keeps telling me how frackin awesome Legion is while we have been playing PVP/PQ's for the past few weeks on Karak Hirn.

I humbly await your decision


Bowlsey 23-10-2008 16:19

Worked with this mofo in the past, and happen to jaunt at the same beverage sellers on the odd occasion... Good guy, good player....seems to keep me alive enough for me to not suck (as much) which is always good ;)

vouch for WAR - and someone needs to unlock the War Enlistment forum ;)

Niktorius 23-10-2008 17:13


Originally Posted by Coxiboy (Post 298491)
Bowlsey keeps telling me how frackin awesome Legion is

And you belived him?!?!?! ;)

Tobler 23-10-2008 17:38

Its closed for a reason as recruitment isn't open to the general public just yet (coming soon TM). However, if you are a real life friend of a present member and that member is willing and able to vouch for you then we are willing to recruit you.

Bowlsey should know by now who to contact.

Bowlsey 23-10-2008 18:40

haha, you'd think that ;)

i can't remember Coxy's ingame name so it will have to wait =P

Chaosengine 24-10-2008 05:46

Give me a shout when you're online Bowsley and we'll sort it out :)

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