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Sic 11-02-2012 20:22

Application for Membership - Sic
My name is Matthew. My main Charcter in game is a Jug named Duriel.
I normaly play a couple hours a night and on weekends when i can. Have played LOTRO, Guild wars, and hellgate in the past. I have a wife and kids that cut into my playtime sometimes but i still seem to log a lot of hours.

I work in a distrbution center and when we are busy I wont be on as much but still when I can. I work with Kyrealean. If you need any other info let me know and ill be glade to tell you.

Imsdal 12-02-2012 15:52

Heya Sic.

Forum access sorted, check out the who you are thread on the swtor forum - and write somewhat more than what you've done here, and I'll fix the recruitment status once that is done.

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