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GHi 15-12-2003 22:29

I have finally mastered my first proffesion, only a few minuts ago actually, and I do now qualify for applying to join SWG Legion.

- Which tells abit about yourself and/or your character

My name is Glenn, and I live in Norway (+1 GMT). At this moment I'm a student, but I work part-time as a Kitchen Designer/salesman.
Before SWG I've spent a lot of time playing roleplaying games, that including StarWars. I enjoy Roleplaying games above all, though I'm sorry to say I have spent over the last half year playing counter-strike. But offcourse I had no choice but to retire when i got my hand on StarWars Galaxies.
My character is Djiih Inkharin, a male Zabrak. At this moment Djiih is a Master Pistoleer, Fencer 0010 and Creature Handler 3303. Djiih is an imperial patriot, and his hate for the rebels grows stronger everyday. He stands the rank of "Imperial Seargent".
He will be mastering Fencer first, and then hopefully continue on his path of becoming a jedi.

- Which explains why you want to join Legion

Why I want to join Legion? It's simply to hard not to. When you know know Ogami (where I'm hoping to get my vouch), and you talk to him almost every day, you get plenty of information about the Legion. And all of it are positive, wheter Legion are brought up during chatting at school or Ogami yelling "Legion Victory" before shooting away at basketball practice. I've also been hunting with some of you guys, and met most of you in Neo-Rome. You all seem great.

- Which lists the persons who told you about Legion, and who would mostlikely vouch for you

Ogami first told me about the Legion. And I have also been hearing many kind words from Seduzer.
And I hope that i will atleast get vouches from Icaruz, Mordea, and ju-gger too.

- What you could do for Legion

I hope to be in good help during battles and rebel raids. I concider myself a very active SWG player. I will continue to be 20-40 hours online each week. Other then that I concider myself a good teamplayer that respects authorities but on the other hand isn't afraid of taking responsebility or struggling for that matter.

Best regards - GHi

icarus 16-12-2003 00:28

Damn right your getting my vouch! :) Don't know if it counts as I've only been a member since september, but..

Djiih has allready lended me 3 of his lots and is online whenever I need my fusions redeed. BIG + ! :)

Fun guy to group with and would make a great Legionaer!


Ogami 16-12-2003 14:35

I have known GHI for a long time in rl and it was me that got him to buy SWG.

I have been hunting with him alot the last weeks, and he has done alot in his first weeks of swg.
He's active and fun guy to play with, a real teamplayer that is allways joining in on hunt or raid if someone ask him too.

He would do good to the SWG Community, and besides he is ace in making gaming videos(I have only seen his cs movies) but Im looking forward to see the Legion Propoganda Video :D


djcomplex 16-12-2003 14:44

ive hunted with djiih many many many times now, and is always really useful within the group never seen him say a bad word or act in anyway 'un-legionnaire' like he definately knows what he is talking about in SWG and his application process hasnt been rushed i first hunted with him around a month ago now and he seems to have spent the rest of the time doing his best to help Legion out

anyway ive babbled for long enuff

GRiM 17-12-2003 08:08

Would be an amazing asset to the Legion. Great player to hunt with and has taken a lot of time to meet members and hunt with them.


Tiddy 17-12-2003 12:13

I've been wondering for a while why Dj wasnt already in legion. I guess it's because he hasnt applied yet. Been on so many hunts with him that I thought he was legion without the tag for a while there heh. Now that he has written his app, I hope he gets that tag now.

He has my vouch.

Mordea 19-12-2003 19:24

i can vouch for Djiih also :D

I've known him ingame for quite a while now and i have hunted with him on various occasions, i know Djiih have been interrested in joining legion for some time. He spend alot of time working towards meeting all of the requirements for enlistment, such as mastering a profession. And as you can all see Djiih already made alot of friends within Legion, i think it's about time he join us :)

DeEvil 20-12-2003 12:17

i donīt know if im able to vouch or antivouch for that matter.
But at least i can express something for / against other players i hope.

As i see it, Djiih has allways helped me out, even when i wasnīt a legionaire, and even before he knew that i was looking to be one.
He seems to be a good player, nice to be around, and allways reach out his helping hand if he is able to do so.
It seems also that if he doesnīt need something that someone else needs more then him, he gives it away, just to help others.
could continue, but i think you get what im after..

so if i could.. hereīs my Vouch

Carpeia 20-12-2003 14:06

I can only express just the same as the others here,
ive been playing CS with him for a while earlier, and now in SWG he acts just as addicted as in cs. Which makes him a good Legion player.

He got my VOUCH.

Ogami 20-12-2003 14:33

but remember he kissed a guy yesterday :( with his tounge :(

Im gonna have nightmares for a very long time now :(

GHi 21-12-2003 00:17

no tounge involved... wasn't even a kiss.. just a guy stuffing candy down my trouth without using his hands...



And also... i were REALLY drunk :dead:

Ogami 21-12-2003 01:02

I know I shouldn't be spamming application posts..


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