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Old 08-02-2005, 21:44   #5
Monkey Lover
Def2K is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Zaandam, Holland
Posts: 6,032
My mom found out how email works.. this tends to leave me with all sorts of messages like "can you please go to the shop and buy ...' and "Turn on the dishwasher".

Im not entirely sure if I want my mom to play games... Imagine the horror of logging into WoW, checking your mailbox and finding a mail that says "Shouldnt you be studying?.... By the way, send me 90g! my 12th alt needs a mount!"

Got word from the company Im buying WoW from today! It will arive on the 11th! The joy. They pleasure. My loins quiver in anticipation!

Gorm: That albanian gang sounds like Diabz' gang. I mean, their IQ seems to match :p

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