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Old 14-04-2006, 11:04   #3
DeEvil is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Sweden
Posts: 465
if u ever decide to get back here again Gravitas... heres my response after reading all these pages..

if i have gotten all of your ( acording to me, ignorant, childish, blindfolded ) question/assumption/or call it whateva u like...

The short short short answer is:
YES, it has!
but heres the thing! your "question" is wrong !!!!

the short short answer to your question is:
No, but nazi-germany used the eagle and MANY more ALLREADY excisting ( read 100's n´1000's years ago ) symbols for their own purpose.

Wich this comunity of players/friends/whateva is also doing, but not NOT in the name of anythig like that...

when i saw legion the first time, it was in a came called Planetarion, it was a text-based game, extremly addictive..

The only thing i could see about this guild/alliance/comunity was these "banners", "pictures" of what they stood for...

NEVER ever came one thought to mind about anything related to germany other then that of the movie gladiator.. the war in the beginning of the movie..

some history from me..

the only thing, ONLY thing i know about my real inherritence is that my grandfather was a SS-officer who died in WW2 when they attacked France.
My grandmother was just an ordinary person from norway.
My mother was left at a... hmm.. barnhem = childrens home ??!!?? to grow up in... she moved to sweden to look fro relatives after she had grown up abit..
thats the short reason why i live in sweden..

but hey, does that make me to a NAZI ???

hense the reason why i think your "questions" was childish and very grabbed right out in the air, with no solid ground to stay on...

i got upset about your question as well.. mostly cause you asked it wrong with what you are trying to defend later on in your posts!

you have given all the answers but still you are looking for YOUR answer, and justifying it with more "assumtions"... it was a good thing you stopped and left... but i hope you come back after you have reflected on everything you wrote and everyone else wrote, and come to the conclusion, that you blinded screamed wolf with NOTHING to base it to...

you have been given a very interesting site be4:

check also:

ps: heh hope i havent started something now... =) tired and havent slept in 2 days, read this quik, wrote this quiker with a broken keyboard... heheh =)

night night PEEPS

ps2: hmm really nice siggeh Savahl i really really liked that eye !!
and a nice site you lead me to as well... thnx

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"Silent leges inter arma"