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Old 30-10-2006, 15:50   #2
SWG Command
vegettotex is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Posts: 524
Thanks. I was simply pointing out that there used to be an alternative skin option (such as Borys alluded to). But it was phased out when they went to the fixed/floating version of this skin.

Perhaps my eyes are simply in dire need of a carotene wash, or perhaps I should stop posting at late hours of the night when my fuse is quite short and my eyes are tired.

I was hoping that by posting in the Public Forum I might catch the attention of one of the site admins and thus get my point across. Otherwise, I would've just posted in a subsection of the SWG forums where it seems few people (other than Borys) post regularly... Sometimes, when we're lucky, a Maddix will pop up to post until he sees his shadow, and then he quits all games for 3 weeks.

And to my witty chum Chirnovnik (aka Borys), your drivel is intermittently helpful, yet mostly sarcastic and self-serving. But, I'm sure that I'm not telling you anything new. Keep up the good work!