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Old 24-03-2008, 09:41   #8
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censor is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Oslo, Norway
Posts: 22
While your mom was still changing your diapers (and I think we have more than enough information here to indicate that she is in fact still doing this), some of us ol' timers were out there building the foundations of this fine alliance

And, it wasn't the stone age my adolescent friend, it was more like pre-cambric...

As an aside, I am pretty sure that I can make a nice sprinkler system out of whatever they are throwing at you spoilt youngsters out there. Oh, I remember well the times when all you needed to take over a galaxy or ten was a laser carabine, a leather jacket and some light banter. These days the young 'uns are screaming for more fancy gfx on their mousepads and have no understanding of the old days (sic!)

More seriously: good to learn that they have updated some units out there!