Thread: AoC - Legion?
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Old 15-05-2008, 20:25   #6
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Originally Posted by Hiro View Post
we are just asking ya know, if Legion doesn't want us then I'm sure tob/ims/rip will just say no.

No need to get all offended because old members are interested in rejoining, I think.

I'm not offended and i don't mind old players joining again but my point is the following.

Are you all gonna idle out again when the rush of AoC burns out ? SWG was a blast for me, not only the game but the community feeling as well. But all that died when people quit playing and never showed their face anymore.

Imho being a Legionnaire and part of the Legion community is more then just playing a game together. Thats what made us so different from other alliances/guilds/clans and I know more people share this feeling. So this is not personal at all Hiro and I apologize if it felt like that to you.

/me hugs Hiro

Just don't want to see Legion all blossom up and die out again after AoC gets boring. Cause in my eyes Legion doesn't deserve such a fate..
Intra Vires

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