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Old 20-01-2009, 23:28   #2
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Zhukov is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 219
It was a ubershit game that seriously fucked up my sleeping pattern. Not to mention that you started to think about the day as "ticks".

Then there was other things, like dreaming about my beloved Legion when I was sleeping between 0310 and 0650 in round 4, being worried about legion was going to make it or not.

Upside: Getting to know some really cool people, laughing so hard I almost fell off my chair when playing Sid and generally having a lot of fun pulling tricks on people.

If I ever go to Vienna, I will visit you Horus :)

P.S Rids: I still have the galaxy banner where the wolf is killed as my windows background! (wolfpack, feel our cold, cold steel!)
Once I played Planetarion