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Old 19-11-2003, 18:22   #2
jungs panty raider
montie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Deffeh's basement
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Originally posted by razor
poor thing as in deer or yer mate ? heh

ouch hitting teenager aint good but indeed sometimes you cant avoid it, damn irresponsable children etc
deer :D

well.. there was 15-20 of em (kids this is) fkin about on a BIG dual carriageway T junction.. running across while the lights were green etc etc.. i was waiting to turn right.. when my lights went green i pulled forward and beared right (wrong side to euro) they was in the road where i was turning into.. all fkin about in the middle of the road.. so i accelerated a "tad" all of them run outta the way.. except one who stood there in shock, i slammed on the brakes, but impreza imports have wank brakes heh. hit him in the waist and his head bounced off my intercooler scoop. he got up and run off.. i stopped and run after him to check he was ok.. he had a cut thumb and was a little shaken but said he was fine, i offered to take him to the hospital but he declined. i then went to the police station to inform them of what had happened so that i could not be done for hit and run. then had to shell out £300 for a new bonnet heh .. ahh.. those were the days heh :/