Hey Legion,
as those who browse the SWTOR area of the forums already know I started making some SWTOR Assassin PVP films the other week. Made 4 over a few days and popped them onto youtube after the NDA was lifted.
It was purely for a bit of fun but apparently its quite a popular set of video's lol.
I have made some promises to continue making videos including Commentary's and my thoughts on the class (also other classes as I get to know them). Playing Beta this weekend again and I will have more video's up from Monday onwards, hopefully stretching my fraps footage out till launch :D
I ask as a fellow long time Legion member if you would support my little bit on fun on youtube and subscribe to my channel and check out the videos!
Any and all feedback is welcome as I have only literally just started doing this and I have allot to learn. Thank you in advance for your support! Promise I'll make a character on US East to play with my Legion mates :D
This is a screenie from yesterday, my videos had been up 5 days. Pretty impressed with the view results :)