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Old 12-03-2006, 19:25   #1
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Maddix is offline
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Originally Posted by Kyrealean
SwG after CU was complete crap.
All a matter of opinion, I think the gameplay improved after the CU and then again with the NGE.

Now, to word what Kyreal said in a bit more of a postive manner, but effectively explaining where the same game stands at the moment:

The new combat system is faster and much more balanced that it ever has been previously. PvP is especially fun. It is significantly more simple to play than previously, which from a new player perspective is a positive. The new player introduction and initial quest line to advance your character around of a third of the way thru the leveling process is excellently balanced and concieved.

Part of making the game more balanced was unfortunately removing a lot of the professions, however in doing so they also removed all of the previous options to become 'uber powerful' from mix and match profession stacking.

Crafting is definately something thats taken the hardest hit, altho not many people initially look at the game for that side of it anyway, so not really a huge point to be made here. In essence crafting is still as complex as it was (just without any medical crafting now), but there is not as much of a need for it (which some would say is a good thing from the a non-crafter perspective).

If you have played this game extensively in the past, especially having complete the majority of the two expansions (Rage of the Wookiees and Trails of Obi-Wan), chances are you will struggle to find things to do, as there is a lack of challenging end-game content.

However if you haven't played it for a long time (year+) and would basically find everything it has to offer as being a "new game" then its definately worth a look and can easily keep you busy with new things to do for 6 months+.

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Old 14-03-2006, 06:47   #2
Thug is offline
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Originally Posted by Maddix
you are the ONLY person I've seen that had anything good to say about the game since the upgrade. Almost everyone I know that played prior to the upgrade has quit and moved to a different game.
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Old 14-03-2006, 10:53   #3
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Originally Posted by Thug
you are the ONLY person I've seen that had anything good to say about the game since the upgrade. Almost everyone I know that played prior to the upgrade has quit and moved to a different game.
Indeed most veterans would probably have done so. Despite the new combat system and all its positives (in my opinion anyway) there is a very distinct lack of end-game content available. So old-school veterans will have nothing new to do apart from PvP (which is also suffering due to the temporary removal of bases).

Also a point that needs to be made is that people hate change. The new system was drastically different and as a result a lot of people quit before getting to know exactly how it worked, before it even hit live (and since when have you been able to judge anything of a SOE product on their test centers? heh) or due (rightfully so) to the ridiculous way they went about implementing it with only 2 weeks warning and so soon after the release of a new expansion.

Everyone I know that still plays (and that is a large amount of people, altho admitedly hardly any in Legion anymore) generally agrees that the new system is an improvement, however, as has always been the case with SWG its not finished (which is why most of my praise was from a new player perspective) and lacks some seriously challanging/interesting/new end-game content.

As I said, while Kyreal was busy going on about its negatives (he is one of the veterans that didn't give it a chance for an extended period of time, altho in his case they did remove his favourite profession in CH, so don't really blame him), I do feel there are positives in there as well.

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Old 14-03-2006, 17:43   #4
Kyrealean is offline
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Originally Posted by Maddix
As I said, while Kyreal was busy going on about its negatives (he is one of the veterans that didn't give it a chance for an extended period of time, altho in his case they did remove his favourite profession in CH, so don't really blame him), I do feel there are positives in there as well.

There was a time when I loved SwG more than CS, more than PA, more than just about any other game that I have ever played. Then I watched as people got bored and quit, people got tired of the game changing and quit, then people hung around hoping for a CU in the hopes that PvP could be saved etc. Then when CU did arrive, it was completely not what the veterans were expecting to happen so a pretty large exodus of players left. I included as they killed medical crafting at that time (I was playing with Egor over on Starsider at the time of CU as a change of pace due to most all of my friends in SwG Legion had already quit the game and Egor asked me to come play with him some)

If anyone remembers Egor, he was an old Legion member from the Rd3 days but was playing with his old XWA (X-wing Alliance) squad on Starsider. So when I made my guy over there, I wanted to try out Swords/Doc much like Aga was for Legion on Eclipse. I fell in love with crafting again and was playing SwG fairly regularly up until CU.

On Eclipse. I started out as a crafter and became the guild architect and powerup maker then switched to combat after I got burnt out on the harvesting grind of resources (and took a couple months off from the game at a bad time, player cities came out in the middle of it and Biggdogg had to take over the architecting for me, sorry Eric)and not knowing how combat was. I ended up being a rifle/ch which to me was a sweet combo for a solo guy to play. I liked being able to run missions alone without the aid of doc buffs which were very overpowered at the time.

I quit SwG for 4-5 months after CU hit because CU gutted my playstyle of medical crafting, however I did come back to try it again that August. I played it for about a month and saw that the game would never be something I could enjoy anymore. I had respeced from Doc/Swords to BH/CH because after CU, the only good loot obtained that was soloable was BH missions. It was really the most bored I have ever been in SwG, so I recancelled but kept my eye on the forums and such. When Nov came and I saw the complete overhaul that SwG had gotten, I knew I would never ever go back to this farce of a game. CH was a favorite profession of mine, but that is now gone. Crafting was another side that I loved but that is now a shadow of its former glory.

So no I do not have much positive to say about a game that started out with HUGE potential and a game that I spent countless, countless hours on, only to see it cave in to the pressure of WoW and the suits that run it. I can understand why they did what they did. WoW was killing their cash flow, so in the end they decided to adopt many of WoW's crowd attracting features, but for vets like me, the trade off was killing playstyles to conform everyone to play a limited style imho.

To everyone that wants to try SwG, please go do so. Make up your own mind about the game as it is now. I am just a vet that saw the best side of SwG, to me anyhow, till the devs killed how I played it. If Legion members are still enjoying it, then I am happy for them. I don't post on the SwG boards anymore because I don't need to bring my old bitterness in there and possibly detract from activity levels dropping of the current actives.
in tribute to the Crimson Knights.... XWA pilots, friends to the end.

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Old 14-03-2006, 22:58   #5
Want to touch my lightsaber?
Maddix is offline
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Wasn't having a dig at you Ky, was just pointing out you hadn't spent much time playing the latest changes (your post suggests maybe none at all?) so your opinions on the current game (as it stands atm) are not the most upto date, that is all :)

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Old 14-03-2006, 23:57   #6
icarus is offline
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I started playing SWG cause a friend was playing it. I met Legion and made new friends, and kept playing. Legion more or less left the game and that was it for me. Despite the bugs and poor class balance, I stuck around for more than a year ,and to be honest, if Legion had stayed more active in SWG i'd still be playing it :)

Bottom line; it's all about the people you play with, not the game in my opinion

Miss you anteater! <3

Old 15-03-2006, 09:43   #7
darmok is offline
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Originally Posted by Thug
you are the ONLY person I've seen that had anything good to say about the game since the upgrade. Almost everyone I know that played prior to the upgrade has quit and moved to a different game.
Well, some have mixed opinions :). IMHO SWG NGE is quite good for PvP (never seen SW:G with PvP as good as it is atm), just a shame the PvE got completly retarded, add that the NGE drove away many many players leading to me not noticing anyone to PvP with/against when I am around leading to me being quite rarely ingame, even rarer than planned ....

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