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Samuz 22-10-2003 19:44

Looking to join Legion
My name is Christian and I am 24 years old. I live in Oslo, Norway so my timezone is GMT+1.

My character in SWG is named Samuz. He is a Novice Bounty Hunter (1-1-2-2), working his way up to master. Samuz is active on the Eclipse server, and usually spotted around Theed, Coronet or Bestine (if he ain't gone hunting on Dathomir near the imperial outpost!).
He is a loyal servant of Lord Vader and the Emperor.
Samuz first started playing SWG during Beta3 this summer, he has solid knowledge into the SWG universe and the gameplay.

I am a dedicated player and I will join in whatever Legion needs me too (it be PVP, guarding town, etc. I'll be there). Samuz is usually online around 25 - 30 hours a week.

I have been asking around after a good Imperial guild to join. I want to join a guild which knows it's path and have a solid group of (active)members. My informants on the various planets have given me your name, which has lead me here to this webpage.

Past similar games I have played include Earth & Beyond and Anarchy Online for over 2 years (lvl 101 Fixer and lvl 142 MP., Rubi-Ka 1).

Got none to vouch for me. I am hoping some of you might send me a tell or a mail someday when you find the time, and invite me out on some hunts or daily duties. That's the only way I can prove myself !

Best regards,

Christian, aka. Samuz.

mexeh 23-10-2003 00:21


From what ive seen today of him in the little raids we were doing. He seems a good mature bloke who is also able to enjoy a laugh. Knows how to play and take orders from Darth Gren :D . Anyways i think he'll fit in.


Hoellsen 23-10-2003 09:59

He seemed to be able to take Legion's humor and generally made himself fit in during the hunt/raid/whatever you call it. Also his willingness to go out and hunt rebels is something that is a poisitive sign to me.

so: vouch.

Grendel 25-10-2003 00:07

Samuz has been a riot to work with, good sense of humor, great teamplayer and he starting to love pvp heh. I would be more then happy to work with him in the future.


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